
October 8, 2009

Marriage Lines ***

*** Marriage Lines, Ogden Nash, 1948

Right up front I'll say, I'm not a fan of poetry. Most of it does little or nothing for me. On the other hand, I count Idylls of the King as one of the top 10 books I've ever read. So go figure.

I picked up this slim (108 pages) first edition hardback on a whim. Very nicely done, it is. Good bedside reading because of the bite-sized pieces, most 1 or 2 pages long. Here are two of the shorter ones:

A Word To Husbands

To keep you marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenver you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shut up.

My Dream

Here is a dream. It is my dream,
My own dream,
I dreamt it.
I dreamt that my hair was kempt,
Then I dreamt that my true love unkempt it.

In honor of Nash, here's a bit I wrote over a decade ago.

One potato, two potato,
Umpty squat.
You're my little sweet potato,
I'm your tater tot

Maybe I'll write a book of poetry!


~k said...

hee hee- good stuff

~k said...

post scriptum: I picked this up from the library over the weekend. It would make a dandy pre-marital course. Plan to head over to my favorite "old books are better" store this week and add it to my For Keeps shelves @ home...