
July 30, 2009

Havah ***

*** Havah, Tosca Lee, 2008

After thoroughly enjoying Tosca's first novel, Demon, I eagerly anticipated her second, Havah: The Story of Eve. It does not disappoint.

I don't know how she writes like this. There were passages that reminded me of Lewis's Perelandra, and I don't make the comparison lightly. And then there's the story of Cain and Abel aka Kayin and Hevel.

Everybody knows what's coming. I can't imagine how daunting it would be to sit down and try to make fresh such an ancient story. But Tosca does it, which should not be surprising, given how she handled the fallen angel in her first book. It was great to read, nonetheless. Dayum, this chick can write!

I forgot to ask her what's coming next. Whatever it is, it's going straight to the nightstand as soon as it comes out.

UPDATE: XDPaul is right. Here's what Tosca says about her next work: Agent of prophecy, patriot rebel, betrayer of God. Coming in 2011: The story of the most reviled man in Christendom, Judas Iscariot… as told in his own words.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

You'll be waiting a little while - she's planning Holy Land visits to work on the pseudoautobiography of Judas Iscariot.

After the heavy burdens of Demonology and Original Sin, I think she just needed to "go light" with Betrayal and Suicide.

Ain't she great, though? No doubt it will be worth the wait.